Murder in the Cathedral

Created by Gil 3 years ago

Like Ruth, I am another who met Nicky through the Chalet School - the CS Bulletin Board to be precise, so I tend to think of her as Sealpuppy (I never asked her where that name came from).   I also met her several times in person, driving her to a Winchester meet on one occasion, and enjoying - with my passion for miniatures - the model houses in her garden.  She also contributed items to my dolls house museum.  I love her books, especially the last one which I have already read twice - pretty good going since it only appeared in September.

But my most abiding memory is walking round Winchester Cathedral with her when she suddenly announced, in clear bell-like tones, "I murdered someone just here....." 

The statement did not go unheard by the tourists around us.   

I shall miss you Sealpuppy.

Gil aka Cestina xx